• Robot Entertainment is working with Yodo1 to bring Hero Academy to the Chinese market.



    Statements earlier this week revealed that Robot Entertainment is working to expand into the Chinese mobile market. In a statement to venturebeat.com, Robot Entertainment CEO Patrick Hudson said the following.

    “By adapting the game for Chinese players, we can deliver Hero Academy to a much larger audience in China. We chose Yodo1 for this work because they have a deep understanding of the Chinese gaming culture, are very trustworthy with our game design and IP, and have a full appreciation for what makes Hero Academy unique and fun.”

    Robot Entertainment also recently announced that Hero Academy will be available for play on the PC via the steam platform in early August 2012.


    Articles for reference and additional information.

    GamasutraTechcrunchVenturebeat, The Next web

  1. Avatar of Maffia

    Any word if those monk and flying swordsman teams will also come to US/EU or will they just be a re-skin of existing teams?

  2. Avatar of Dean

    They wont be coming to US/EU – they are just for the Chinese market. I think they are going to be unique teams too with Yodo1 taking up the development effort.

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